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Belgian palaeontologist

President & Founder of Palaeontologica Belgica

Advocate for citizen- and open science

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Hello there and welcome on my personal website. On the following pages you will find more information on the scientific projects, publications and lectures I’m currently involved in. If you want to book me for a lecture, presentation or any paleontological project within a Belgian context, do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I will take the time to personally answer all of your questions and/or requests by mail, as soon as possible.

Research Interests


My main focus is aimed towards earth-sciences in general and paleontology in particular. I always find it exciting to work close to home within a Belgian context or framework. I'm highly involved in the study of the Belgian Palaeozoic, in particular the Devonian and Carboniferous faunas and floras of the Ardennes and surrounding regions. I consider myself an eternal student of the Belgian underground. You will find me equally fascinated by structural geology, sedimentology, paleo-climatology, paleobotany, stratigraphy, and geochemistry, as well as preparation and conservation techniques. Using fossils as a tool to reconstruct paleo-environments and utilize them as direct or indirect proxies to measure signals from deep-time.


Belgian paleontology and earth-sciences carry a long and historical research tradition. Often professional and non-professional researchers worked toghether in several fields over many decades, but sadly non-professional researchers have been greatly undervalued during the proces. This is why I specifically dedicate a large part of my efforts to valorise, support and lobby for the acceptance of citizen science research in academia and with policy makers. I also support the open source and free availability of research papers, data and publications within my field. I try to outreach my findings through various fora such as: exhibits, lectures, practical courses, fieldschool, guided visits and digs, popular-scienctific articles and other educational initiatives.



Contact & Booking

Anthonie Hellemond
Belgian Paleontologist

Edward De Baerdemaekerstraat 25/04
1601, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw


+0032 (0) 495-477-550

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© by Anthonie Hellemond

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